I would suppose that being the day before Thanksgiving it would be appropriate to write a post expanding on the things that I am thankful for. Maybe by so doing I can avoid falling under the condemnation of D&C 59:21 which states:
And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments.
I am so very thankful to have the Gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. I am thankful for the Church organization and those who teach me more about the Gospel. The Gospel gives me direction in my life, shows me the value and importance of my family relationships, and, perhaps most importantly, teaches me who I really am and who I can become.
I am grateful for the selfless sacrifice of my eldest brother. Without Him, and His willingness to do everything for me, I would have no chance to return to my Heavenly Parents and partake of Salvation and Exaltation.
I am grateful for a wife, companion, and sweetheart who loves me and is constantly doing things to make things better for me. Her efforts often go on without any comments or spoken thanks, but they are never unnoticed. Next month marks 30 years that we have spent together, which is a long time for her to put up with me! I am thankful she has done so, and hope she continues to do so!
I am grateful for four wonderful sons and the joy they have brought into my life for the past 21-28 years.
I am grateful for three wonderful daughters (I hate the word combination daughters-in-law) who by choice joined this family and in so doing improved our family in ways that cannot be measured. They have improved my sons and shown them their potentials. They have also helped me see things from a kinder, gentler side or point of view.
I am grateful for four grandchildren. They really are the light of my life. As a grandfather, I understand better the meaning of Psalms 127:5 than I ever did as a father, and I hope that my quiver continues to grow. :) There is a saying that you are always happy to see your grandkids, and sometimes you are happy to see them go home. While that is true, it is always awesome to hold them and give them loves.
I am grateful for parents who are the epitome of the phrase from "I am a Child of God" that states "has given me an earthly home with parents kind and dear". To this day they still inspire me and provide an example for me that I am unable to replicate. When I consider the tireless service that I see my dad offer to the Lord as he serves in his 7th Bishopric at the age of 74 (almost 75) or the immense love that my mother has for my father, proven by her actions that she left the country of her birth and her family and immigrated to America to raise a family, I get very emotional. I am in awe of my parents and feel that I have the best parents on earth.
I am grateful for my employment with Wavelink. I am grateful for the opportunity to earn a wage to provide for our needs.
I am grateful for friends, and the support they are. Sometimes friends are able to fill a need that nobody else can meet.
I am grateful to each of you.
God bless you.
let's get this thing off the ground
In order to get an airplane off the ground, you must create lift.In
aerodynamics, lift happens when air passes over the wings of an airplanein
such a way t...
14 years ago