Thursday, November 20, 2008

First Post!

Wow! I am finally getting it started.

This blog, believe it or not, is about 3 or 4 years in the making. About a year or 2 after Google acquired Blogger (in 2003), I looked into setting up my own blog. I doubted that I would ever have anything important to say, and so it fell by the wayside. Then, when Meg started her blog about Janie, I revisited the idea, but didn't get anywhere. And, as Janelle and Kathie have entered the blogsphere I have looked at it again, but I was too lazy (or, more likely, spending too much time playing WoW) to get a blog going. BUT......when my technology challenged sweetheart, Sue, had the audacity to get one started, I decided I had to jump in.

I guess I never really liked the layouts that were offered. I looked at probably hundreds of templates but was never able to find the "one" that I wanted for my blog. So, I did what I do when I am programming......I stole ideas! I found a template that I liked, and I stripped it of a lot of "fluff". Then I changed colors and positions and widths and layouts and made it my own. So, I am open for suggestions if you have trouble reading my blog. However, one point that is not likely to change is the "width" of the blog. I tried to make my blog readable in 1024x768 screen resolution, and if you are at that resolution and cannot read my blog, or if there are "slider bars", please let me know and I will try to make some adjustments. However, if your screen resolution is less than 1024x768 and so you cannot see the entire blog (side-to-side) on your monitor, I don't think there will be much that I will be willing to change to make it better for you. (If you have questions, let me know, and I will look at it).

Anyway, thanks for reading!


meg said...

Wow... am I legal to see this? I noticed your pic on Sue's blog and thought I'd check it out. Look at you, making your own templates and everything! That's so impressive! I'm so excited to read your stuff, because I always learn from your thoughts and ideas. Love ya.

meg said...

OH and I LOVE the name of your blog - so creative!

Matt said...

I am impressed, maybe one day I'll do one too...but right now I don't want to...good job though looks good on my screen.